
Please find my most recent work, descriptions and thoughts here.

A Walk

Good Morning!

Fall is on the way, and all of my favorite colors! Sweatshirts, scarves, oranges, reds, pumpkins and football. But most of all the cool weather and fall walks...

A few months ago, my former employer approached me with an idea for a printed piece that would guide visitors through a sequence of three-dimensional art that exists across campus.

With a fair amount of information and photos to fit on the piece and a broad audience, of course, my mind went to a brochure for carrying conveniece and cost consideration. But I really wanted to engage the user in the piece, as well as give them direction.

I decided that only providing a cropped portion of the sculpture they were seeking would allow them a bit of mystery as to what they would see next. The intent was also to allow the viewer to take a closer look at the details of each piece—perhaps if this was not the individuals first viewing of a sculpture, they would have a new perspective. I know, having walked around campus for almost 5 years, I had seen many of these from a distance, but didn't have the time to appreciate them until I was working on this project and took notice of the detail.


It is an oversized brochure (11"x17" flat) , gate folded. We felt a matte cover stock would be best for rigidity and outdoor viewing and kept it a two color job, using the Museum's PMS and black. I'd love to hear thoughts on this project!

Side note: I truly love what I do and I spend many hours thinking about projects and considering every angle—this is what sets a designer apart from a stock website. We both have our place in the world, but if you're looking for this type of care and time spent on your project, please consider a local designer! 
